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Loup Basin Public Health Dept.

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Lead exposure can cause: 

-Damage to the brain and nervous system

-Slowed growth and development

-Learning and behavior problems

-Learning and speech problems


Lead testing is recommended for children 1 to 6 years of age and adults who are exposed to high lead levels through their work such as:


-Auto repair workers



are also encouraged to have their blood lead level tested.


Loup Basin Public Health Department is partnering with Nebraska DHHS’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.  This program has successfully assisted with lowering many children’s blood lead levels by educating parents and encouraging follow-up testing so that no child is forgotten.  The program tracks every child who has had their blood levels tested.  For parents of children with elevated blood levels, education is provided so that parents know the lead hazards in their environments and how to lower those exposure risks.



Homes built before 1978 continue to be the most widespread and dangerous high-dose source of lead exposure in young children.
At least four million households have children living in them are are being exposed to high levels of lead. 

Other exposures include contaminated soil and parents that bring lead home from work. 

Additional Resources:

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

LBPHD Contact

Sarah Raiford
Phone: 308-346-3011
Email: sraiford@lbphd.ne.gov