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Loup Basin Public Health Dept.

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LBPHD works with the Tri-Cities Medical Response System (TRIMRS), to help to strengthen emergency response through collaboration. ​Central District Health Department serves as the coordinator for the Tri-Cities Medical Response System. As the Coordinator, CDHD writes and facilitates community-wide disaster drills and table-top exercises. CDHD helps hospitals, clinics, and community organizations form new partnerships that can work together to respond to disasters and be prepared for . . .

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness/Family Disaster Plan You can't stop emergencies and disasters from happening but you can take action to prepare for them. We must take action to get a jump start on preparedness in case of an emergency for our families, friends, and neighbors.  These preparedness checklists are intended to give you a format and possible suggestions about information you might want to include in a family disaster plan. It is not all-inclusive and should be modified by the user to . . .

Emergency Preparedness Checklist

Would You Be Ready If Disaster Struck? Emergency Preparedness Guides are intended to help you prepare for disasters before they happen. Disaster preparedness is no longer the sole concern of those who live in "Tornado Alley." For individuals, preparedness must now account for man-made disasters as well as natural ones. Knowing what to do during an emergency is an important part of being prepared, and may make all the difference when seconds count.   . . .

Volunteer at LBPHD

Volunteer at LBPHD by joining our Medical Reserve Corps (MRC).    Emergencies can overwhelm first responders, especially during the first hours of an emergency. Volunteers can have an impact by lending an extra hand to help with aid during a crucial time. Volunteers are often needed to help fill the gaps during an emergency response to help increase the response effort.   Click here to j oin the MRC Facebook Group to stay updated on upcoming . . .